Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ecosystem Services: Water Usage

I am slightly upset that this is the first time I have used this water calculator. Why was this not brought to knowledge years ago? Especially as a freshman and sophomore in college. Measuring my daily activities per gallon truly puts a visual perspective on all the accumulation. I had no idea I was using upwards of 50 gallons of water a day. Before I entered my daily uses into the calculator, I assumed I was using 25-50 gallons AT MOST. To my surprise I use roughly 85 gallons of water on a daily basis. I am always conscious of taking steps to preserve water. At the beginning of each year I purchased low flow shower heads to be installed in my current dorm as well as my freshman year dorm. My family at home is even more aware and involved water reservation. I believe every appliance we own is low flow. We only do laundry once a week and make a conscious effort to fill the dish washer to capacity before running it. I believe water use can be reduced even more by being more aware when watering plants and grass. My mother normally does that on her own and keeps track of the time the water stays running. When she is busy I offer to help with the process but to be honest I have no idea how to calculate the amount of running water used from the hose. I tend to time it similar to how she does but I don't truly know how much water is being used gallon per gallon. And that is just in my individual household alone. The average household may use substantially more water than mine, yet I'd love to believe my neighbors and community use even less. So many every day activities need water to be used even outside the household. Farms have water systems spread over miles of vegetated land. I believe water is such an essential resource for daily life let alone life at all. We are accustomed to it but we need to appreciate it's value and scarcity. Unfortunately we look to places such as California that are in constant drought to learn how to conserve water for ourselves. I believe water should be used WHEN NEEDED. It is a nonpermanent resource yet we often see it as an abundant luxury.
(The White bordered area is the DRGR:Density Reduction Groundwater Resource, where most of SouthWest Florida obtains it's water)